Finding My Hey

Deb’s Story

Much to my surprise and delight, an illuminating ultrasound 18 weeks into my pregnancy revealed two little girls inhabiting the murky waters of my tummy (yes, I know tummy is not the medically accurate term). Recently married, loving my career, and living in a lovely home purchased just two years prior, I found myself even more excited with (and terrified of) giving birth.

You know when things are going well in life and suddenly you are thrown a curveball that you just manage to catch with the tip of your glove, fumbling and tripping through the dirt, before landing on your face, glove held high, mumbling “I’m OK”? 

That was me in July 1999 when I gave birth to my girls prematurely. One of my identical twin daughters was born with multiple disabilities and all my hopes and dreams were lost forever.

Or were they?

Amid the grief for my daughter, the challenges in caring for her, the disappointment of resigning from my full-time job to accommodate her medical appointments, interventions and needs, as well as mourning the loss of my future expectations, I managed to find hope, joy, happiness, and purpose.

I found my HEY!

I realized I had the opportunity to choose how I approach change, challenges, and grief associated with loss, disappointment, and unmet expectations. I didn’t recognize it at the time, but I was cultivating a set of tactics and tools which helped me and can help inspire other people to thrive and find hope, acceptance, peace, and purpose.

Connect with me to discover your own strength and resilience and live a life designed with hope and joy. Come and find your HEY!

Finding Your Hey


My Intention in writing this Memoir is for you to recognize yourself, find community in these pages and learn a tactic or two to wring overflowing joy out of life.

Finding your Hey Cover

– Amazon Reviews

Deborah brings so much joy and humour through her stories of living with grief! Such a refreshing, and real story that stays with you long after you’ve finished.

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