If you’re happy and you know it…

If you’re happy and you know it…

How do you react to happy moments? Do you clap your hands? Stomp your feet?  Shout “hooray!”? Growing up in small-town Ontario, with one television, and fewer than 10 channels (and before the word “streaming” took on today’s meaning), we often had no choice but to...
I called myself a special needs mom

I called myself a special needs mom

This was the title I used for myself when my girls were young – some 20 years ago.  As language, education, definitions of ableism evolve, my title changes.  I now call myself a mom.  Any further description is usually unnecessary.  If I do want to differentiate...
Inappropriate Happiness

Inappropriate Happiness

During the month of August this year I suffered from a gruesome skin infection.  Unfortunately, it was on my face.  Not the most desirable place to host bacteria that causes pieces of your skin to roll up like an old dirty carpet and then fall off, exposing bright red...


Gratitude.  A word so overused these days, it seems like it is in danger of losing its meaning as well as it’s profound impact. We are told by mindset gurus, mental health professionals, and our local coffee shop barista that gratitude is the key to happiness. Can it...
When you’re weary; feeling small…

When you’re weary; feeling small…

“When you’re weary; feeling small…” These lyrics from one of my favourite songs of all time – Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkel – might describe how many of us are feeling right now. Fear, anxiety, and a feeling of hopelessness result when faced with...